Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Because I am that crazy

     For those keeping count at home...I have run three half marathons since the beginning of October. The Crawling Crab (PR race and AWESOME!), Monster Mash Half, the Halloween Half (trick was on me for this one) and now we have....The Virginia Running Festival Half a week after the Halloween Half. Have we discussed my sanity lately? No? Just to make sure we all understand, I also have the Richmond half next weekend and the Harbour Lights Half the last weekend in November...and just 'cause... the Striders Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, because you can never have too much of a good thing. That's six half's in two months. Most barely run one a month. Yep, I am that crazy, and I LOVE IT! I have even signed up for two marathons a week apart in March. Just to test my abilities and really see what I've got deep down. Who does that?! Me! -and a few other crazy people I know.
     The Virginia Running Festival was a nice race. I wasn't keen on my time, but I guess after the reality check of looking at my schedule above, it wasn't that bad for me either. I am not fast, I certainly can't qualify for Boston, but I have yet to be last. Fast is relative.
     This was a race I was on my own for. This always makes me a bit nervous. I do it not matter what, but I have to talk myself through the parking and the what if's just to calm myself down a bit. No way am I going to let nerves keep me from doing something I always enjoy. I hope someday my daughter gets the idea of not letting nerves or fear stop you from things you love and does it too. Being on my own, also means no or only a few pictures.
     It was a small race which meant short porta potty lines. This always screws me up. If I don't try right before, sure enough I will be looking for one on the course. This was no exception. For the four miles I kept looking...and not running well. The next 2 miles, I actually started looking for good bushes, but Newport News is a city and we were on a college campus...with LOCKED doors. What!? Another lady running with me asked the question I wanted to..."Where the heck are the bathrooms?". The volunteer said "I have no clue". Super. I finally got a porta potty stop at mile 7ish. Phew! Now I could run. The problem was, while I crushed the hills, it was too late to really make up any time, so screw it. It was a beautiful course, people were so friendly and now I could drink water. I just enjoyed the route we were on which took us back behind the campus through a very nice neighborhood along the river and through part of a park. It was very pretty.
     Finally reaching the end, I got my "Massive Medal" and they weren't kidding. Its almost as big as my head! There was plenty of pizza, but I headed out. I didn't know anyone there other then the girl I met at the beginning who also ran the whole Shamrock marathon. I waved and cheered for her as she went by. I hope she like the course too.

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