Saturday, March 8, 2014

"It's the final countdown..."

"It's the final countdown..."- tell me you can't hear the music from Starship backing that up.

Shamrock is a week away. My very first marathon, which was preceded by my very first taper. Let me tell you that sucks! I highly recommend stocking wine and lots of it and be prepared to clean your house thoroughly. With only a week to go, my final long run is 8 miles tomorrow. The words "it's only" 8 miles, 3 miles, X number of miles have crossed my lips more than once and left me chuckling at myself. I never thought I would say such a thing. 1 year ago I ran my first 1/2 marathon, 2 years ago I ran my first race ever. I feel ready. Bring it on! Oh, and yep, just for me, it's gonna rain.  So either I am going to rock it or blow it, but no matter what, I will finish it and will become a marathoner.
Taper mode it a whole new experience. One not unlike what I call a bad buzzy brain day. When you have ADHD or ADD or whatever they are calling it this week, you have trouble concentrating to begin with. As an adult, I can feel days that are worse than others. I know when the focus shuts off. Taper feels a little like that. I need stuff to do. I can't sit still and I can't focus on any one thing for very long. So to reign in that feeling and bring some focus back, I have been reading about autism Spectrum Disorder and how dopamine levels affect the level of disability and the correlation between those levels and ADHA, autism, depression, etc. It's fascinating stuff. What can I say, my brain needs input, especially during times of taper, apparently.

There are tons of articles on research showing how excise releases the feel good endorphins. Regulating dopamine and getting plenty of rest for the marathon and means good serotonin levels which together equal, you guess it- fewer buzzy brain days! At least, until you taper. So I have decided that running another marathon will be good for me. Not necessarily the marathon it's self but all the training that goes into. Its a forced regulation of dopamine. No drugs needed. The only problem, taper. So here it sit, typing about the countdown and a random subject.

I have checked the parking maps, the running maps, worked out a Gu/hour ratio, checked and rechecked the weather, sold girl scout cookies, rethought my running outfit, consulted the car pool, and thanked all the running gods for my BRF and family for supporting my craziness. The only thing left to do is run. least I hope to be after next weekend.

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