Friday, April 5, 2013

You have a bad day. You're lonely. You're angry. You name it and running seems to make it better. Even when you are happy, it makes your happier. Endorphins rock! And best of all, when you are done, all the crazy thoughts make sense. See, I'm really not crazy! (Shhh! Don't tell her its the endorphins talking.) Lately, there have been a lot of ups and downs for me. I only work part time and I have a hard time with that as part time work is part time money. Sure, I get more time with my daughter, which is awesome, but then I feel guilty because I do work part time and want to work full time, and working part time I can't buy her everything I want, but working full time I won't have time to buy her everything I can see the crazy. You don't even have to come close. Throw in a bad day at work, or more friends moving away (we're Navy) and the inadequate feeling of only two BA's and no master's (yep, going for broke on the guilt train) and what's left is running. My five miles last night, in the cold rain, felt GOOD. I left feeling crappy, wanting to cry a little, angry and I was definitely having a "fat" day. After mile 1, I had a grove. By mile 2, my breath was even and I could feel my legs work. Better yet, by mile 3, GPS confirmed I was still running at the same pace, a pace a little faster then normal. By the time I had gone over the bridge, to the stop light, back through the neighborhood twice and finally hit mile 5, I felt...normal, even keeled, almost...dare I say it?-sane. My legs felt strong, my head was clear, I was breathing fine and the world was back to normal. Running might not be a complete cure all, but it sure works wonders for me.

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